Sunday, May 15, 2005
What Dog Breed are you?
Sunday morning I had the pleasure of talking with two who also agreed with me: Large dogs are cool--as long as you have one that won't eat you or your kids. This reminded me of the following link sent to be by dear old Mom: A classic "Twenty questions" (or so) internet personality test, in dog breeds. (The test is a promo for a BBC television series, so you have to go to the main site and click on the game to get to the game. Sorry, I'm not enough of an internet geek to figure out how to circumvent their anti-deep linking scheme.)

I'm a Dogue de Bordeaux, natch, although my sister took the test "for me" and thinks that I'm a Tosa Inu.

One of the things you might now be noticing about this simple test is that the results are rare dog breeds. Now that is different.
So, what dog breed are you?
I'm a Saint Bernard. Go figure.
Best, Ron
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